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2 tree(s) planted in memory of David Dence
Anne Smigel (Mrs. Hobart) posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
oh, Jessica - your post made me cry! I so wanted to attend your Dad's services but I was out of town. I knew your Dad for so long...don't even know when I first met him at Grapeville. He was such a gentle man and always had a smile on his face. I loved listening to him play the organ on Sunday mornings. We shared the carpooling duties to Loudonville Christian School. We didn't see each other much after you kids were all grown up but the memories will remain forever. When I learned of your dad's passing, I could only picture his dad, Pastor Dence, running to greet him! May you, your mom, Rebecca, Jennifer, Jeffery, and Steven find strength and comfort in the days ahead. And don't stop whistling!!
Devon Balta posted a condolence
Friday, May 26, 2023
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Dence. I moved to his neck of the woods in the early 1990s. My husband and I went to the same Bible college that his father went to and we loved that connection! I also enjoyed his faithfulness in leading the hymns at FBCW. We enjoyed some sweet time a couple of years ago switching roles and I got to lead him in some hymns! He will be dearly missed! Praying for all of you!
John and Jeanne Bensen posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
We both send our prayers for your family. Dave and I both worked at AMC, but never crossed paths there. He often came to the shop and he and John would chat . The entire world was in awe of your house for the holidays.....It was always so beautiful that you could feel the joy emitting from your home.What a special gift to our community.
Brian Phelan posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
I am so sorry to hear of David's passing. I recognized his name right away in the Times Union yesterday. I met David over 13 years ago when he was with Albany Med and I was a vendor of theirs. He and I worked on 5 different projects together. I think he was just working part time by then for Albany Med. I remember him so well because he was just such a nice, pleasant and professional man. God bless him and his family.
Holly and Bert planted a tree in memory of David Dence
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

For his lawn in Paradise Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Bert Tobin posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Always a pleasure to meet you! Such a kind face and wonderful neighbor. Thank you sir. You will be missed but always remembered by both of us. Such the gift!
Lisa posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
I have had the pleasure of cleaning for Ann and Dave for the past 35+ years. You get to know people in that time frame and by showing up at their house at 6:30 am. Dave was an amazing man; so smart, so talented, yet so down to earth. In the fall, we would each talk about how many loads of leaves we raked off our lawns and had to find a place to dump (Dave kept a piece of paper inside a cupboard with his count), or in the spring we would talk about our flower gardening. Dave loved flowers almost as much as I do. Christmas time, their house had at least 3, maybe 4 trees, and one of them had to be a “real” tree. Both Ann and Dave loved Christmas time, and their home was one of the best decorated I have ever seen. Often times I would walk in their house at 6:30 and there would be Dave all dressed up in a suit ready to go to church, peeling potatoes or vegetables at the kitchen sink, whistling away, while him and Ann were putting their noontime meal together so that it was ready when they got home from church. . Of course, this was after Dave made Ann her first cup of coffee for the morning and brought it up to her while she was getting ready for the day; he would jokingly tell me she needed her am coffee or she would be grumpy. The best thing that I learned all these years of cleaning for Ann and Dave, however, was the extraordinary love that they had for each other. I was able to witness every Sunday morning what a Christ-filled marriage should look like. I have been very fortunate to feel as if I was a part of this family. I will miss you Dave.
Carol LaVigne lit a candle
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

My Heartfelt Condolences .Carol LaVigne Albany Med Gift Shop
Jessica Dence-Thayer lit a candle
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

We prayed that my father's passing would be brief and six short days later, he was gone. The loss is palpable, and has left a void in my heart that I can't describe. Dad taught me selflessness and generosity towards strangers. He reminded me to stop and appreciate the mountains, to smell the flowers and observe the colors of the leaves as they changed each fall. He taught me funny songs and had a silly saying for everything. When it was cold outside, he would say it was 'burr burr, shiver shiver, freeze freeze' outside. Eventually, that was shortened to burrshurrfreeze. Dad had a way of lighting up a room when he entered. He made everyone feel comfortable and important when he spoke to them. Like they were the only person in the world in that moment. He had good advice and if he didn't know how exactly to answer something, he would have a clever way of responding. I would equate those comments with something Yogi Berra would say. He loved listening to Garrison Keillor and Lake Wobegone. He loved the ocean and classical music. Planting flowers and mowing the lawn even when it didn't need it. He would contentedly listen to scratchy AM radio in his truck while driving to the dump and a haircut on a Saturday morning, where he proceeded to be gone for hours as he touched base with everyone he ran into. He gave change to homeless people and one time, inadvertently dropped fifty cents into a woman's hot coffee. He would wear his Florsheim dress shoes for so long, that he would wear a hole in the bottom. He fixed it by cutting a piece of cardboard and slipping it into his shoe. He said it worked great except for when it rained. In the later years, it was clear that dad was frustrated with the loss of his memory. Never did he make it someone else's problem though. He continued to keep on with his schedule and completing the things he liked to do. even when they became challenging. Dad did change. That is what Alzheimer's does to your loved ones. Yet dad fought the changes and found a way to continue to make people smile. As he lost his vocabulary, he found ways to start a conversation without words. He found a new interest in loud socks and would be sure to show them to you before anything else. That would start the conversation off with smiles, laughter and the joy that dad so desired when he interacted with someone. He picked up adult coloring books as a way to express himself through color and art. He continued to feed the dogs from the table. He bought just as many flowers as he did for his gardens, and stuffed the apartment patio with them, full enough you couldn't find a seat. He never stopped whistling and he never forgot how to do it. I will always wish I recorded us whistling together. We got quite good at it. My husband playfully shushes me because of how loud it is. Dad would have wanted people to remember him with a joke, with a song, with a view of something beautiful, with a funny story. Not with sadness. He is dancing and singing in Heaven, reunited with his parents, siblings, friends and pets that he so longed to see for so long. We will see him again and are looking forward to that glorious day. Until then, enjoy yourself dad. Make Jesus laugh.
With Love,
Your youngest, Peanut
Shirley E Myers lit a candle
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Ann and family: I am so sorry to read today of Dave's passing. He was a wonderful friend and colleague during the time we worked together at Albany Med. He was one of the kindest and most professional people I've ever met and yet he had that sometimes unexpected sense of humor. He also always looked professional; I will always remember the story of him walking onto a nursing unit and a patient calling out "here comes the President!". My heart goes out to you and your family. I am so grateful that I got to know him and be a "breakfast buddy" for so long.

A Memorial Tree was planted for David Dence
Monday, May 22, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at A.J. Cunningham Funeral Home - Greenville Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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